ReviveMedia Titles: Coming Soon!

Watch for upcoming titles focused on emerging topics of interest in flat track motorcycle racing.


Motorcycles and Misfits

Two Enthusiasts

News Articles

A collection of news stories that explore the history and revival of flat motorcycle racing.

A “Dirty” Race of Skill, Speed and Guts Makes a Comeback

Doron Levin discusses his experience in and the growing popularity of American Flat Track despite the known dangers surrounding the sport.


Imagine Driving Faster Than You Ever Have Before

“Fast and Left” is Evan H. Senn’s self-funded film that highlights his appreciation of flat track motorcycle racing and the racers who keep the sport alive. In Senn’s interview with Air and Asphalt, he explains how the 2019 film came to be and why flat track racing is so captivating.

American Flat Track Racing Mounts A Comeback

Flat track motorcycle racing is seeing a comeback since its start in the early 1900s. American Flat Track’s CEO, Michael Lock, encourages people to “Come to a flat track where you can be within 10 feet of people whizzing [by] on dirt, at 130 miles per hour, with six abreast. If that  doesn’t make you stop and hold your breath for a second, I’m not going to be able to reach you at all.” 

the Fastest Growing Sport in Motorcycle Racing

In his interview with Inc, Michael Lock, American Flat Track’s CEO, explains how flat track racing experienced a turnaround and what makes the racing style so appealing and reflective of American lifestyle. 

is the Most Exciting Sport You’ve Never Heard Of

Shayna Texter is a highly decorated and talented racer in the American Flat Track series. Elliott lists the racer’s accomplishments and uniqueness while discussing the reasons why flat track racing has grown in popularity within a few short years.

Lone Star Half-Mile Winner Jeffrey Carver Jr.

According to Subias, “Jeffrey Carver Jr., from Alton, Illinois, is a hero to flat-track racing fans around the country. He personifies the spirit of an earlier, simpler time in American racing when chasing points was secondary to chasing fun.” 

Announces Historic Return to AMA Pro Flat Track

The Indian Motorcycle Racing Team is joined by multi-time Grand National Champion Jared Mees, revving up interest in the flat track racing community.

Springfield - A Mecca for Motorcycles

Motorcycle racing is far from simple. Rushton explains the intensity of the sport through interviews with racers like Jared Mees and Nichole Cheza while highlighting Springfield, IL’s unique position as a center for flat track  racing.